
[Know Tungsten] Tungstic Acid 348

Tungstic acid is an important chemical product of tungsten, it has wide application, chemical formula is mWO3•nH2O. Tungstic acid is poly chemical compound of combination with WO3 and water by different ratio, the common seen tungstic acid includes yellow tungstic acid, white tungstic acid and metatungstate.

[Know Tungsten] Calcium Tungstate 353

Calcium tungstate is also called artificial scheelite, chemical formula is CaWO4, they have same composition but different ding. Tungsten scheelite is original mineral without processing, calcium tungstate is chemical products of tungstate.

[Know Tungsten] Tungsten Concentrate Electric Separation 327

Electric separation utilizes different conductivity of mine and vein mineral grain, can process electric classification and separation in high voltage electric field. It is effective method to separate tungsten and tin in tungsten scheelite. But it is also used in tungsten concentrate gravity separation.

[Know Tungsten] Tungstate 331

Tungstate consists of wolframate radical or poly tungsten acid radical. Ammonium ions, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and many heavy metal cations can form tungstates. Apart from alkali metal, ammonium and magnesium salts, most tungstate is insoluble in water.

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